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Strategies for personal and professional success.


Edmond motivates and inspires audiences from all industries and backgrounds by applying cutting edge research, unexpected strategies, east-west thinking, and real-world applications to today's most demanding professional, personal and inter-personal challenges.

But Edmond does more than simply share motivational stories and information.

He teaches audiences to be fearless. Not in the sense of taking unnecessary risks or acting out of character, but fearless in its truest sense; to focus on goals clearly, strategize effectively, communicate persuasively and act decisively when results are important and outcomes matter.

Psychotherapy, Teaching, Consulting, Coaching - many approaches to the goal

Current work:

Speaker and performance coach

An internationally known speaker and performance coach, Emond has a unique background. A licensed psychotherapist, author, and distinguished senior university lecturer, he is also an international coach and lifelong veteran of intense traditional Japanese karate training.

He travels frequently between North America, Australasia, and Europe for speaking, training and seminar engagements.


Edmond is currently a Senior Lecturer in Sport Science, and the Masters of Health Science, at the Eastern Institute of Technology (EIT) in Hawke's Bay, New Zealand. Before he and his family moved to NZ in 2008, he was a Senior Lecturer in Humanities and Director of Martial Arts at the University of California, Riverside, where he was twice recipient in the University Distinguished Teaching Award.

Edmond customises content for your desired outcome. Whether you have 30 minutes, an entire weekend or everything in between, he ensures that your time is spent with maximum effect in mind. Edmond's presentations are always specifically adapted to your needs, goals, audience size and venue.

Professionally, and personally, Edmond is most interested in understanding the multitude of ways that our thoughts, emotions, behaviour, and relationships impact our performance, our success, and our health.

Talking Points

Resilience - The ABC's

Resilience is the ability to bounce back - and move forward - from periods of change, stress, adversity, and the unexpected.
Well, damn, if now ain't the time...
Turns out that resilient people (and families, organisations, and countries) actually think about - and react to - challenges differently than the less resilient.
A quick session focusing of 3-specific cognitive strategies we can all use to help get us through this challenging time.
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