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Founder and director of


Hannah McQueen communicates financial matters in a way few other speakers can – combining obvious expertise and depth of experience with pace, humour and relatability. Once you've seen her present you'll understand why she's often described as a financial force of nature!

There's no doubt as to Hannah's technical expertise - she's a Chartered Accountant Fellow with her Masters in Tax, an Authorised Financial Advisor, a best-selling personal finance author, media commentator, columnist and the founder of – financial strategy & coaching. She also owns the patent for the formula she developed with the University of Auckland that optimises how to pay off your mortgage in the shortest time, with the least interest cost and the most flexibility. But it's��s Hannah's ability to bring finances alive with colour and humour that give her the X-factor.

Hannah speaks on a range of important topics like the impact of financial stress on everything from sleep to productivity, how to improve your financial resilience amid uncertain times and how to get ahead faster while still having a life.

As dynamic on the stage as she is on screen, Hannah McQueen makes a perfect addition to a conference or web-based event.

Talking Points

The Missing Link in Workplace Wellbeing

Workplace wellbeing programmes include everything from gym discounts to Fitbit challenges and yoga in the boardroom but that's only addressing the physical side of the story. The impact of financial stress on not only individual employee wellbeing, but also on company finances, is something that is often overlooked. Hannah McQueen presents a dynamic talk, full of humour and personal anecdotes, where she will address:
¢ The growing issue of illness caused by money worries
¢ Why being financially fit whatever your income is so important, and how to make it happen
¢ How employers should tackle this tricky and sometimes taboo topic
¢ What you can do as an individual, and what employers can do for their staff
¢ Supporting financial wellness in the workplace without breaking the bank

Financial Resilience

Specifically designed for post-Covid to help make your finances more resilient amid uncertainty.
¢ Accurately identifying your lane' are you in survival, stabilisation or optimisation mode?
¢ Creating your financial buffer
¢ Lengthening your cash runway
¢ Actions you need to take and when to take them
¢ The lowdown on mortgage holidays, interest rates and structures
¢ Superannuation settings amid uncertainty
¢ Investment options & future planning

How to get mortgage-free & retirement-ready in 10 years or less

Designed for those who are ambitious or those who know they could be doing better (but aren't!)
¢ How to avoid paying so much of your money to the bank
¢ Timeframes you should be aiming for
¢ The keys to getting mortgage-free fast
¢ The pillars of financial success and why it's not about financial literacy
¢ Your money personality & why it's important
¢ How to create a wealthy mindset
¢ Getting your retirement is sorted
¢ How to utilise the power of leverage

Improving Your Financial Fitness

Something for every age group whether they're starting out, building up or preparing for retirement.
Can be tailored to the demographic of the audience.
¢ The sources of financial stress
¢ Myths about Money
¢ Your Money personality and why it's important
¢ Finding Fritter & getting ahead faster
¢ How to get mortgage-free faster
¢ Planning for retirement
¢ Strategies to grow wealth

Business Grit Optimising Your Small Business to Deliver Better Results

New Zealand is a nation of small businesses, but we also work harder and longer yet are less productive than the OECD average. Too many businesses aren't generating the return owners need them to, or a return that reflects the effort they're putting in. Financial Strategist, business coach and founder Hannah McQueen delivers this presentation specifically for small business owners keen to drive their business to reach its potential.
¢ The productivity problem
¢ Creating business efficiencies & unlocking potential
¢ Developing a strategy to maximise returns
¢ The small tweaks that can help generate big improvements
¢ The levers to pull, in what order, to drive greater value
¢ Finding the headspace to work on the business, and not just in it
Financial Wellbeing is such an important topic - if sometimes a little dry - but Hannah McQueen managed to make it relatable, engaging, empowering - and even fun. The feedback we've had from Hannah's fast-paced presentation has been excellent. Barfoot & Thompson

A big thank for your inspiring, insightful and useful presentation. We have received some outstanding feedback around the event, in particular your presentation, and are very happy with how the day went.

Queenstown Women's Chamber of Commerce

Hannah McQueen was very entertaining and absolutely on her game. So knowledgeable and very useful and helpful information.

Corporate Health & Wellbeing Summit
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