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An amazing story of an extraordinary man.


Jason Barrell was a gifted athlete. His prowess on the rugby field led to selection first in Northland provincial teams, then The Chiefs Super 12 team, The Blues Super 12 team and then NPC for Auckland.

A freak accident on the rugby field resulted in a broken neck and the end of a professional rugby career. Broken but not beaten, and with six months of traction to think about his options, Jason decided to join the police force.

Current work

With a new career, wife and two children, Jason's life seemed to be back on track; but something wasn't quite right. An MRI scan found a life-threatening tumour which was causing strokes, and four hours of surgery turned into nine. Jason came through alive but the brain surgery caused damage and left him needing to relearn everything, from walking to feeding himself.

Jason's story makes compelling listening. It tells of the courage and strength an individual can find when life deals out some cruel blows. Most of us find excuses in every day occurrences excuses to stop us from challenging ourselves excuses which stop us from going through the pain barriers. Jason hasn't.

Listen while Jason recounts his life with humour, courage and above all else, undaunted determination. Jason talks about turning fear into a positive and how change in your life can always have a positive outcome.

An excellent start to our training session and for setting the theme. Great - very receptive and inclusive ... They [the audience] felt humble and were involved with his story and realised that they were indeed lucky and that life isn't fair but it is how you deal with what is thrown your way. Jasons Travel Media Ltd
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