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The hoax master.


John Glass has performed for a wide variety of audiences in a wide variety of roles.

Previous experience

He has been an e-commerce consultant for the Government's Knowledge Wave Summit, an MC for the Magazine Publishing Awards, a Quizmaster for Sky City and led a 200 people chant up Queen Street for He was also a finalist in the 2000 Cleo Bachelor of the Year competition.

His point of difference is twofold:

He is able to be flexible in his approach to an event given that he has a number of styles to draw on.

He researches the different needs of the audience to make sure he hits the mark with his material.

Current work

John's speciality is Hoax Speaking in which he assumes the role of an expert giving a keynote address. The audience is taken on a journey from attending a serious professional presentation including slight boredom and even discomfort through to a gradual realisation that something is not quite right and on to obvious comedy. John is thoroughly briefed and read as much as possible to understand the audience's issues and culture to make the œserious part of the presentation credible.

As an MC John will warm up the audience at the beginning of proceedings to set the fun tone of the evening. For this he draws on his many years of stand-up comedy. John is well versed in the introduction of speakers, housekeeping notices, continuity and adlibbing where necessary.

Sometimes all a client needs is a performance clearly marked œfunny within the course of the evening. John draws on a long history and experience in stand-up comedy having performed in most of this country's Comedy Festivals as well as overseas and in television (including Pulp Comedy, Street Legal, Xena and various commercials).

John is an experienced, energetic, versatile and extremely entertaining comedian.

Talking Points

We had knowledgeable netball people taking notes! But sly sniggers eventually gave way to uproarious laughter. Netball New Zealand

Simply brilliant.

Professional Advisors Association

John was the MC at our awards night and he more than exceeded our expectations. The audience loved John. He built an instant rapport and he really made the effort to speak with the guests.

Squash Auckland Incorporated

Side-splittingly funny, original and intelligent.

Auckland University of Technology

The crowd roared with laughter.

Wrights Creative Communication

Absolutely hilarious.

Yellow Pages

It is amazing how John manages to get and keep the crowds attention. He did not fail to perform or impress. It was an absolute privilege to have had him as our MC.

Modus Lighting

"As usual John was brilliant! He had the delegates in stitches."

Independent Tertiary Education New Zealand
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