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Extreme adventurer and businessman.

If it's tough for you it's tough for everybody else. If you can keep going it's an opportunity for you.


From his unique background in business consulting, ultra-endurance adventures and TV presenting Kevin delivers powerful, battle-tested tools and techniques that will make your team much more effective in setting and achieving their own outrageous challenges.

Kevin's Adventures

Kevin was a strategy consultant with The Boston Consulting Group when he decided he had to take control of his life. So he quit his job, sold his house, left his girlfriend and went back home to live with his mum(!).

He sat on the sofa, watched TV, ate fast food and put on weight. There he saw a news clip about one of the world's toughest endurance races - rowing the 5000km Atlantic Ocean in a 7m plywood dinghy. He figures it's probably not as hard as it looks. If only he knew how to row!

Yet, with Sir Edmund Hillary as patron, he set off on a desperate and thrilling race. In the end he not only won but smashed the previous record, completing the gruelling challenge in an astonishing 40 days and 5 hours at sea.

Kevin then took on a far greater challenge, the first unsupported trek from the coast of Antarctica to the South Pole by New Zealanders. To put this in context, more than 5000 people have climbed Mt Everest, 500 have been into space, but fewer than 50 people had ever trekked from the 1200 km Antarctic coast to the South Pole. Kevin is now one of less than a handful of people who have ever rowed an ocean and trekked to a Pole.

If you recognise Kevin, it's because you may have seen him as the co-host of TVNZ's much loved ˜First Crossings' and then ˜Intrepid NZ'. In these series (winner of the TV Guide People's Choice award) Kevin went to some of NZ's most magnificent and inaccessible places to recreate the extraordinary adventures of early NZ pioneers.

Kevin's approach

Kevin is one of the most experienced and active motivational speakers in the market. This is due to the value that he brings and the lengths he goes to ensure his presentation is tailored to the requirements of his clients. As a former consultant Kevin presents frameworks not laundry lists; advice that is backed up by scientific evidence not generic soundbites. When it comes to performance what distinguishes Kevin is that he has walked the talk - he knows what works because he has used it and these are the techniques he shares with your staff and clients.

Kevin's presentation style is highly visual and engaging, delivered with humility and authenticity. Massively entertaining anecdotes are used to ensure the key messages are delivered unforgettably. Your team will be taken on a breath-taking ride on wave after wave of thrilling adventure through storms, sharks and a late night capsize. They'll stare into the blue-black abyss of crevasses, experience tooth-cracking cold, battle through blizzards and skin-melting frostbite.

With their attention firmly held, Kevin shares powerful techniques to:

¢ overcome doubts;

¢ get and keep a winning attitude;

¢ form high performing teams and;

¢ increase persistence and mental toughness

These lessons will embed themselves in your company's culture. Next time you're talking about how to break down a long challenge you'll remember how he turned the roof of his tent in Antarctica into a giant map. When you're forming a team you'll be talking about 'The Energy Rule' he used in the Atlantic. The next time you're about to point your finger you'll remember the ˜Three Bastards Rule'. And when times get difficult you'll be talking about story of the Sea Anchor!

So if your team is facing a tough challenge, struggling with change, looking to lift their performance, need to feel empowered or have their attitude transformed, then book Kevin. His account of an absolute underdog taking on two of the world's toughest adventures will have your team laughing out loud and pumped with inspiration while they learn the skills to make themselves much more effective in business and in life.

Bring a ladder, you'll be peeling them off the ceiling!


Kevin graduated from the University of Auckland with a degree in physics and psychology and a Master's degree in Environment & Development from the University of Cambridge, UK.

His business career has included roles at the New Zealand Treasury in the International Economics Division, as a Strategy Consultant for The Boston Consulting Group, a Strategy Manager with Telecom NZ, and the CEO of a software start-up. Somewhere along the way he also worked as a truck driver in London, a giant chicken for an amusement park, a brick layer in Nepal and has also won the Toastmasters humorous speech competition for the Wellington region.

Kevin is the author of three books, the award-winning ˜The Oarsome Adventures of a Fat Boy Rower', ˜Escape to the Pole' and ˜First Crossings'

Talking Points

Your Oarsome Adventure

To have an adventure you don’t have to be climbing a mountain or crossing an ocean. The definition of adventure is simply ‘to take bold steps towards and unknown but worthwhile outcome’. As you grow your business, as you work towards your goals for 2020, then you are on an adventure too.

In this presentation Kevin shares what he has learned taking on his adventures. The content is split into four topics - the four times you are mostly likely to be ‘capsized’ by your attitude or mindset as you take your goal from idea through to completion.

- Face the 'Flinch'
- Choose to win
- Playing as a team
- Dealing with setbacks

How to take on touch challenges

In this workshop you will learn:

• How to beat procrastination?
• When and why you should avoid being ‘rational’
• How to use foresight to address your concerns?
• A system for dealing effectively with your objections

• The benefits of taking on a challenge you might fail at?
• The difference between committing to an outcome vs ‘trying your best’
• The real reason for why you need to take on a tough challenge

• The single team rule that got Kevin and his new team mate across the Atlantic and Antarctic?
• How to get the mindset that allows you to successfully resolve disputes between team members

• The only way to stop being daunted by overwhelming challenges
• How to reframe adversity into opportunity?

The Four Leadership Principles

In this session, ‘The Four Leadership Principles’ you’ll receive practical insights and advice to help you handle a wide range of leadership situations.

Kevin’ methods and techniques, supported by his story of an absolute underdog taking on two of the world’s toughest endurance feats, will have you laughing out loud and leave you more enthusiastic and empowered about your own leadership challenges.
Kevin is a truly inspiring presenter. His presentation was a highlight for many of our attendees, they left with many key takeaways and strategies for persevering through challenges & tough times. He has a unique way of connecting with the audience, sprinkling humor and tailoring his content to suit the specific needs of our sector. Outstanding in so many ways! Sieba

Kevin was easy to deal with and hit the audience on point.

Livestock Improvement Corporation

He captured the audience very quickly and they thoroughly enjoyed his themes coming through as well as relating his adventures to everyone. Very enjoyable presentation and an excellent way to finish the day. What Kevin did particularly well is the work prior to the presentation where he got to understand our business better and also what we were wanting to achieve out of the conference and ultimately his presentation. On that basis he was able to tailor his presentation to present a fine tuned version which fed really well into the overall theme and messaging that worked very well for us. Kevin joined us for our evening function and got the chance to meet people which I know was very much appreciated.

NZ Safety

The presentation was excellent and fulfilled all of our required criteria. The audience took away a sense of what real achievement is and it has helped in some 'defining' conversations on where people see their futures.


Entertaining, interesting, inspiring!

Hudson (HR Consultants)

Thank you for a great presentation, brilliantly aligned to project management principles. The Conference ended on a high note, thanks to your ability to understand the needs of the audience and your professionalism in presenting amazing adventures with humility and humour.

Project Management Institute

Wow, what a way to end a frantic two days, a perfect culmination of the entire agenda professionally delivered in an inspirational, inspiring positive speech which our staff are still talking about!


Kevin was the perfect fit for the audience, the presentation was humorous with subtle messages throughout.

SCA Hygiene Australasia

Having first heard Kevin speak at another event and coming away thinking Wow' combined with a great dose of inspiration, I knew he would be ideal for the guest speaker at our Sales Conference “ the focus being goal setting and gearing for growth' “ and he didn't fail! I was inspired and motivated all over again. Kevin is very easy to listen to and holds his audience captive with tales of his great adventures and sparks motivation and inspiration within us all. Feedback from our Conference was 100% positive and Kevin was the highlight of the whole event. Thanks Kevin, I knew you would be a great choice

Packaging House

Thanks so much for yesterday it was an unqualified success with your presentation the hands-down highlight for everyone. Your key messages were so well aligned with where we want to go and leadership profiles that we have in our organisation and aspirations for our team to develop - it was just Oarsome

Suncorp Life NZ

We have had numerous motivational speakers over the years. None have had the resounding impact that Kevin had. The quantity of unsolicited feedback from our employees clearly indicated the excellence of Kevin's presentation. Kevin inspired the team by showing an everyday person can achieve outstanding results


Our team were absolutely rapt with Kevin's presentation at our corporate team away day recently. I couldn't recommend Kevin highly enough. He's grounded, funny, humble and authentic. His presentation had everyone enthralled, and found Kevin hugely personable, easy-going, and an absolute hoot. We all got something out of it that we'll keep with us for a long time to come

Z Energy

If Google had 10 stars I would give them to Kevin. The best motivational speaker I have ever heard

Storage Box

Kevin connected 100% with the audience. His input impacted incredibly positively on the success of the whole day.

Mercy Ascot

Kevin was great to deal with, he understood the specific needs of our event and didn't just roll out an existing presentation, but made it work for our audience. We heard again and again what an amazing speaker Kevin was from our staff and that he was their favourite thing about the event.


"Kevin's presentation was fantastic, he was entertaining, engaged with the audience regularly and tied the lessons learnt from his adventures back to their business and life challenges very well. He also joined us for lunch before his presentation and chatted with our customers. He was definitely a highlight of the event and I would definitely recommend him."


"Everyone loved Kevin's talk today. They left feeling inspired and those who received a copy of your book were the envy of all! Kevin clearly put in a lot of effort into understanding who Datamine is as a company and was the best speaker many people had heard. We particularly appreciated that he came in to meet with us and visit our offices and also came along to the lunch and got to know our guests."

Datamine VIP Client Luncheon

"Kevin Biggar was fantastic. What a lovely and approachable guy! It seems everyone I talk to wants me to express appreciation for Kevin's inspiring Presentation. Right from the beginning Kevin captured the audience, and considering there was a pretty important rugby game (Chiefs v Crusaders) going on at the time, it was no mean feat! Yet he handled it all in his stride. Once he began you could have honestly heard a pin drop. Considering Kevin only had two weeks to prepare, I appreciated the time he took to really make sure the information he had was relevant and would deliver what we wanted. The way Kevin tailored his presentation to incorporate the theme of our conference, his ability to present the subject in such an interesting way and also managing to include his amazing personal experiences made for a very inspiring and entertaining evening. On behalf of myself and the Region 2 Fire Region Manager Ron Devlin, please thank him for sharing his experiences with us."

New Zealand Fire Service
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