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Dr Kirstin
Ferguson AM

Author, Columnist & Leadership Expert

Leadership is simply a series of moments and every moment gives you the opportunity to leave a positive legacy for those you lead.


Dr Kirstin Ferguson is an internationally acclaimed leadership expert, author, columnist, and keynote speaker. Ranked as one of the top 50 management thinkers in the world by Thinkers50, Kirstin was also awarded the Thinkers50 Distinguished Leadership Award in 2023.

Kirstin began her career as an officer in the Royal Australian Air Force and has held roles including chief executive officer of an international consulting firm and acting chair and deputy chair of the Australian Broadcasting Corporation. During a fifteen-year career as a company director, Kirstin sat on a range of large publicly listed, private company and non-profit boards.

Kirstin has a PhD in leadership and culture and honours degrees in Law and History. She is an adjunct professor at the Queensland University of Technology Business School, where she was named Outstanding Alumnus of the Year in 2020. In 2023, Kirstin was appointed a Member of the Order of Australia (AM) for her significant service to business and gender equality.

Talking Points

Leading with Impact: Mastering the Art of Modern Leadership

In this highly interactive keynote address, award-winning leadership expert and best-selling author, Dr Kirstin Ferguson AM, will entertain and challenge us to consider whether our leadership approach is still fit for purpose. Through the use of videos, case studies and her down-to-earth style, Kirstin will encourage each of us to think about how we can best role model leading with the head and heart amidst the competing demands on our time, and in an increasingly complex working environment. Using the latest research from her bestselling book, Head & Heart: The Art of Modern Leadership, Kirstin will bring a leadership lens which is guaranteed to inspire you to become the most effective leader you can be.

Key takeaways:
- Overview of the attributes of head and heart leadership
- Personalised Head and Heart Leader Scale report
- Understanding of the ‘art’ of modern leadership and how to develop this, not just in ourselves, but in those we lead

Delivery Options:
- Keynote – up to 1 hour
- Workshop – up to 2 hours

Master of Ceremonies

Kirstin has established herself as a respected and engaging MC of multi-day industry conferences, gala dinners and other corporate events. Kirstin hosts her events with warmth, humour and professionalism and is able to keep audiences highly engaged whether they comprise more than 1000 people or are much smaller gatherings.

As an avid user of social media, Kirstin works hard to ensure event hashtags are effectively used by audiences where this is to the client. Kirstin finds she is generally able to encourage even usually reserved crowds to start tweeting, taking selfies and posting about the event.

On more than a few occasions Kirstin's enthusiasm for audiences to use social media has seen the event trending (and fortunately for all the right reasons!). As an engaging keynote speaker herself, Kirstin is often invited by clients to provide a brief keynote during proceedings she MCs or to provide commentary between speakers to help audience members link back to the themes of the event. Kirstin also always ensures the event
follows closely to time.

Kirstin has been engaged by clients to MC events over multiple days at international industry conferences as well as facilitate and MC much smaller, more intimate corporate events such as a corporate lunch.
Dr Kirstin Ferguson has emerged into the speaking circuit as one of our nation's most engaging and inspiring speakers. When Dr Ferguson addresses a room, her energy and passionate commitment to the cause of diversity and inclusiveness is infectious. People really listen and believe every word she says. Her approach is endearing, her connection to people is truly authentic and her leadership is undeniable. Like the most inspiring speakers and leaders, you will hang on every word she says and never forget how great she makes you feel DibbsBaker

I've just landed back in Sydney and still feel inspired by our lunch - thanks so much for your wonderful insights and refreshing candour, it set the scene for an open, engaged gathering where people shared and learnt from each other - that's a special kind of magic!

Australian Industry Group

Out of all the presenters she was by far the best in regard to content, presentation and relevance to business. It is very pleasing to here that in her role as a Company Director that health and safety sits at the top of the agenda.

Safeguard New Zealand Conference

Thank you for taking the time to speak at the 2017 Campbell Institute Symposium. It was a great opportunity to hear about engaging Board of Directors with environment, health and safety. I look forward to identifying opportunities to make our world safer with you in the future.

National Safety Council USA

I found it interesting and thought provoking. The contrast of your examples got me thinking about the underlying premise of we believe we should invest heavily in seeking to have safer workplaces. I'm sure I'll ponder that all weekend and I wouldn't have started think about that issue, were it not for your presentation. You've had an impact. You've also given me a greater understanding of what an "integrated" (if I can use your word) business looks. All up well worth attending and you are an enjoyable presenter to listen to.

Women in Safety

It was tremendous yesterday listening to Dr Kirstin Ferguson at the lexvoco legal ops masterclass. A very down to earth, authentic person with an extraordinary resume and story.


It was my great honour to host Dr Kirstin Ferguson on behalf of the EML Group today and learn, cheer and lean in to her experience of authenticity, intellect, emotional intelligence and instinct in leadership. We have all benefited from her global movement of #CelebratingWomen and today from her generosity.

CEO of EMLife

Your manner and style as our MC simply exuded positive inspiration and professionalism. Your involvement with Ozwater so helped set the tone for the conference's Evolution, Revolution theme and perfectly reflected the professionalism of the overall delivery of the event. Having an MC with your communication skills and direct experience in the water sector gave the conference a special polish not often seen at such events. Thank you so much for your work “ it was truly appreciated by all of us at the Association and importantly by our delegates

Australian Water Association

Your capture of what is needed to build trust today and the traits of strong leaders powerfully set the tone for the Congress program. I received an amazing amount of positive feedback on your presentation and you were rated in our top five speakers in our post delegate survey! Many thanks again for the insights and experiences shared. It was a very memorable and moving address.

Property Council of Australia

Thank you so much for facilitating this in such a natural, authentic and inspiring manner. The combination of your knowledge and experience in the world of work and Adam Grant's insights made for an amazing experience. We had thousands of people from 24 countries logged in and the feedback we have already received has been amazing. Thanks for representing us and welcome to the Growth Faculty team.

The Growth Faculty

Thank you for presenting at the navy leadership conference in Cairns the other day. I found it very interesting, and your keynote address was incredibly motivating.

Navy Emerging Leaders
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