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Co-founder of the investment platform Hatch Co-founder of leadership platform Powrsuit


Kristen Lunman has over 25 years of experience delivering measurable growth to small, medium, and large businesses across several sectors.

Originally from Canada, Kristen held senior positions with several multinationals, successfully expanding operational footprints into the US. Upon moving to Aotearoa in 2011, Kristen embedded herself in the innovation and startup ecosystem. She launched the early-stage startup Wipster in the US and led New Zealand’s first Fintech Innovation Accelerator. As Innovation Director at KiwiWealth, Kristen successfully delivered several projects accelerating financial product improvements for better business and customer outcomes.

More recently, as co-founder and CEO of the investment platform Hatch, Kristen challenged the status quo by being the first to give Kiwis affordable access to world-class investments. Kristen built a unique and diverse culture in a hyper-growth business. She strongly believes in leveraging technology to democratise access to products and services to increase financial capability amongst whanau and communities. Hatch was acquired in 2021 by FNZ.

Kristen is currently launching a new venture with her Hatch co-founder called Powrsuit. Powrsuit is a leadership platform that will democratise leadership development for women - ensuring improved women and minority representation in tomorrow’s C-suites and boards.

She has a Bachelor of Commerce (honours) from British Columbia, Canada and has certificates from the Project Management Institute and the Institute of Directors.

She currently provides consulting services to several businesses on their respective innovation trajectories and mentors the next generation of women entrepreneurs.

Kristen is raising a family in Wellington and enjoys surfing and spending time in the mountains.

Talking Points

Say ‘Yes’ to the Unknown - A Guide for Women in the Workplace

Our careers are full of u-turns. Do you have the courage and conviction to do the things that align with your purpose and fill your cup? I share my bumpy childhood and squiggly (and sometimes humorous) career path, including the mistakes made along the way. I look back on how I’ve transformed and found a deliberate way truly live out my purpose. I’ve perfected three practices, and I’ll share with you how to back yourself to ‘learn while doing’, get comfortable with being uncomfortable, and how you can change your mindset to consider the upside opportunity of saying ‘yes’.

Lead Like a Woman

After selling my last venture Hatch, I’m co-founding a new startup, Powrsuit, a movement that seeks to change the face of leadership and empower women to maximise their leadership impact. My research and growing business evidence reveal that specific leadership traits, particularly purpose and empathy, helped navigate a global pandemic. They’ll be the traits to help us get through what is sure to be a challenging few years ahead. In this talk, I share what it means to embed purpose and empathy into an organisation as a servant leader. I offer actionable ideas to female - and male - leaders alike on retaining, engaging and leading their people.

Overcome Imposter Syndrome

An affliction of high-achievers, imposter syndrome, is the fear that personal accomplishments are the outcome of luck or oversight, not merit and achievement. While imposter syndrome can affect anyone, these waves of doubt disproportionately impact women and women of colour. In this talk, learn the surprising history and bust the myths behind the belief that we don’t belong. I share why we need to kick the label 'imposter syndrome' to the curb and how to boost your confidence.
I believe the words the audience used for Kristen were “”. So many inspiring wahine pumped for Powrsuit! Humankind

You were super inspiring, Kristen Lunman! I loved your story, philosophy, attitude to life, and the opportunities and challenges it sends your way. YES! :)

The Good Registry

Thank you so much, Kristen! Everyone loved you! I've had so many positive messages coming through.


Kristen, you are an absolute legend and so inspirational. I loved every minute of your presentation - I definitely learned that it's OK to say No.

Citycare Property
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