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Hot Pink poet, comedienne, cabaret performer.


Penny Ashton has been performing since before she could walk.

Current work


She is now an actor, voice over artist, improvisor and poet. She has graced our TV screens as Shortland Street's Dr Margaret Cole, plays such illustrious roles as 'say bye-bye to your bank manager' in various commercials and has appeared in 3 short films. She is also a very successful producer and publicist filling both roles for the national tour of the smash hit 'Little Che'.

As Hot Pink, Penny successfully combines her finely crafted poems with her performance training as an actor.


She is a regular feature at the Classic Comedy and Bar and was a nominee for the Billy T James Award in 2003 and 2004, and for Best Female Comedienne at the 2002 NZ Comedy Guild Awards. In June 2003 won an international improv competition in Canada. The following year she performed at the Edinburgh Festival with Hot Pink.


Penny is the author of a humorous website column that attracts up to 5000 readers a week, is a regular reviewer on National Radio, has written articles for the NZ Herald.

Hot Pink is a fun option for your entertainment requirements and is a flexible show to suit any occasion. Penny is also a fantastic and experienced MC.

...this busty New Zealander is brimming in talent, gliding seamlessly from poetry to comic banter to jazzy songs. Three Weeks, UK

...enough energy onstage to push a barge up Lyttleton Harbour... the audience was in the palm of her hand.

Christchurch Press

The show is funny, clever and doesn't underestimate the intelligence of the audience - all in all it is a great night out.

TV2 International LAUGH! Festival Director

Thank you so much!!!!!! You were sensational and have 40 new fans who will pay zillions to see you as you get even more famous!

Bronson & Jacobs NZ

...this busty New Zealander is brimming in talent, gliding seamlessly from poetry to comic banter to jazzy songs.

Three Weeks, UK

...enough energy onstage to push a barge up Lyttleton Harbour... the audience was in the palm of her hand.

Christchurch Press

The show is funny, clever and doesn't underestimate the intelligence of the audience - all in all it is a great night out.

TV2 International LAUGH!

Thank you so much!!!!!! You were sensational and have 40 new fans who will pay zillions to see you as you get even more famous!

Bronson & Jacobs NZ
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