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Passionately driven Multi-Exit Entrepreneur

Play to Dominate!


Robett Hollis is ranked as one of LinkedIn's Top 3 Most Influential New Zealanders. If you are looking for the most current, freshest speaker but with business credibility and passion like no other - Robett is your man!

Robett Hollis is a passionately driven Maori Entrepreneur and Ex-Professional Snowboarder who was ranked No. 1 in New Zealand and received a Silver Medal at the Snowboard World Championships in the USA. Robett is now heavily involved in the media and technology industry and advises companies and execs both here and in Silicon Valley.

Previous experience:

Entreprenuer: In 2006 Robett founded FRONTSIDE, one of NZ's leading Video Production and Content Consultancy Agencies, which in February 2018 joined forces with Saatchi&Saatchi and now officially sits under Publicis Groupe - The 3rd Largest Communications Company in the World.

In 2013, to help support the startup and tech landscape in New Zealand Robett created ColabNZ, a Commercial Real Estate Co-Working business which he successfully expanded to New Zealand's Largest Network of Co-Working Shared Spaces operating in thousands of square meters in a collection of different buildings.

In July 2018 Robett Hollis had his second successful exit within 6 months of each other when ColabNZ was purchased (100%) by Generator.

Current work: His latest venture innovateHQ, acquired both the New Zealand Innovation Council & the New Zealand Innovation Awards from KPMG and launched a 50 million dollar ˜Open For Growth' initiative to help more kiwis win in business.

As the youngest Board Member of the New Zealand Technology Industry Association, Board Member of Figure New Zealand, Executive Council Member of NZ Tech Marketers, Founder of the New Zealand Entrepreneurs Festival and Judge at the New Zealand Hi-Tech Awards Robett is extremely driven to see other New Zealanders win.

There is nothing Robett does by halves, and he can help take your company to the next level covering a range of topics - particularly focused on challenging the thinking within big Business - Culture and Alignment, True Innovation, Ideas vs Execution, Disruption and as an expert influencer on Social Media, Robett understands the media and content landscape better than most.

Robett is not for the faint hearted - he will push and challenge your entire audience and thrives in a Q&A environment where he can add the most value possible. In Robett's words - 'Play to Dominate!'

I wanted to say a huge thank you for taking part in Christchurch Workchoice Day. You were truly inspirational. I know both the kids and teachers were amped after hearing you and the feedback has all been that you the highlight of their day. Workforce Capability

Robett was very laid back when we met for our briefing and super relaxed about the event. I thought he was quite engaging with the audience and very energetic in his discussion.

Auckland Council

Our team at Xero is a super diverse and demanding group, and when we were thinking about the right speaker for our annual kick-off, we knew we'd need to find someone pretty special who would inspire and supercharge 1,000 Xeros across Auckland and Wellington. We immediately thought of Robett. Fresh, authentic, unashamedly provocative and as we say at Xero, #human - Robett nailed the brief. With a queue of new fans waiting to talk to him after each presentation along with a flurry of "Robett quotes" through our internal Slack channels afterwards, Robett had a massive impact.


Robett had an authentic style and was very open about his background and beliefs. His direct approach to business was inspiring as he spoke about tall poppy syndrome and success at a young age. His speech appeared both well thought out and candid, creating an entertaining and captivating presentation. It is easy to tell that he works hard, plays hard, and is passionate about what he does. Robett definitely offered ABC Business Sales a unique insight into the world of an effective entrepreneur and provided us with tools that could be applied to our own business practices and our role as Trusted Advisors

ABC Business Brokers

We were lucky that amongst his many overseas jaunts Robett was able to take time out to come and join us for a career development day. We knew he would challenge our mindsets and infuse us with his infectious energy and motivate everyone to aim higher than where we were originally tracking. Robett has next level confidence. He's incredibly passionate and loves what he does. He is unafraid to share his insights (he is a refreshingly free thinker) as the system hasn't got to him yet to teach him to colour in between the lines, or in his words, he isn't a suit. In short, everyone found it exciting and inspiring and we plan to get him back.


Robett has an inspiring story and is an exciting Keynote speaker that will keep your audience on the edge of your seat. His strategy is sharing honest insights from his business journey and can relate to all walks of life. These honest insights and his high energy command attention and are often the talking point of many events, conferences, workshops and hui's. He will make you think big and be bold so fasten your seatbelt and enjoy the ride


Robett has been an activator and one of the lead inspirations for entrepreneurship in the Auckland region, working alongside Auckland Tourism, Events and Economic Development (ATEED). With experience working with some of the most successful business people in New Zealand, media, international sport, and consumer experience. Robett is a mentor and champion for hundreds of innovators right across Auckland and New Zealand “ connecting, driving, and supporting their ideas and aspirations in enterprise, business and the start-up world. Robett is a passionate and engaging speaker, and has people hanging off his every word. He speaks from the heart, and calls the world as he sees it! It has been a true privilege having him speak, judge, and facilitate for us at ATEED.


Robett is an absolutely wicked speaker. He gave a really fresh view on media and technology and how this will impact the future of our industry. Robett delivered a really thought-provoking session which spurred a lot of conversation, both in his Q&A and on-going even after he had left the event and in the days and weeks following. We would definitely work with him again. Thanks Robett!

Real Estate Institute of New Zealand

Robett is the real deal. If your organisation has a commitment to growth, authenticity, exploration and expanding your perception of reality - Robett is your man. Many event speakers seem stuck, stagnant, not relevant - Not Robett. He will not shrink from telling the truth, or depicting the reality of the situation. He is dynamic, funny, future focused and will inspire you to impose change in your daily life - Immediately. If you want an electric jolt, to know you're alive, be challenged, entertained, and inspired, I recommend you book Robett for your next gig. The core of Robett is that he chooses a life of passion. His commitment to change and ensuring he leaves the world better than he found it is so intense, it is infectious.

Chartered Accountants Australia & New Zealand

Robett was an engaging & dynamic speaker. Nothing was sugarcoated about the entrepreneurial journey, and no stone was left unturned. We got valuable insight into aspects of his business, his personal life and how he got to where he is today. Engaging doesn't even begin to describe him up on stage. Passion and his presence were both alive and well, all the while truly genuine, we could feel it. It was evident that everyone there from walks of life connected with at least one part of his journey in terms of where he's been, where he's at, and where he's going. I, along with many others left that day feeling enlightened, and wanting to get on the start up grind myself! Job well done.

Waikato University

Very authentic - he was himself and spoke with passion. Robett was an excellent speaker who wove a story that was interesting and different to anything we had heard before

Kiwi Property Group Ltd

Robett is a dynamic, energetic speaker with a firm view and understanding of the future built by having a clear plan of how he will navigate his own journey to success. His ability to combine both a current and future looking perspective, blended with his own unique style and insight makes him an engaging and thought provoking speaker, who can stimulate new thinking, challenge status quo and yet reassure that the future is exciting and achievable. Robett navigates the boundaries of business and generations by using his perspective and experiences, with a healthy dose of forthright opinion to engage and inspire his audience. He presents a refreshing perspective and opinion that can help business change lens and view the future with optimism.

Tompkins Wake

Let's talk, enquire with Louise now

Louise Ryburn

Let's talk, enquire with Louise now

Louise Ryburn

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