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World-leading motivational and inspirational speaker


Tony Christiansen is a world-leading motivational and inspirational speaker. He is humorous, bold and straight talking as he brings you a story you will never forget. The basis of Tony's presentation is self-belief; the theme is simply "your attitude determines your altitude in life".


Tony has no legs, a result of a horrific train accident when he was 9 years old yet has achieved remarkable feats in his life. He shares his life story and the secrets to his incredible success and encourages his audience to set their own challenges, rather than accept the limitations imposed by their own attitudes and other people's perception.

Tony has never allowed his disability to slow him down. In fact, he has achieved more in his life than most of us are willing to even try.

Amongst other things, Tony is a:

¢ Successful businessman

¢ Former City Councillor

¢ Author of 3 best-selling books

¢ Qualified lifeguard honoured by the World Surf Lifesaving Federation

¢ World-class athlete & medallist

¢ Certified Open Water scuba diver

¢ Second-degree black belt in Tae Kwon Do

¢ Motor racing champion

¢ Adept Snow-skier and;

¢ A Pilot - the first disabled New Zealander to fly solo and the first person with a disability who learned to fly from scratch

In 2002, Tony scaled the heights of Mount Kilimanjaro, the world's 5th highest mountain. Several years later, he participated in Speedweek at the Bonneville Salt Flats and achieved the top speed of 182 mph, gaining him the reputation of being the œWorld's Fastest Amputee. In 2012, Tony took position as driver of the 2-man bobsled and raced down the Utah Olympic Park bobsled course with the United States Bobsled and Skeleton Federation in an effort to apply for the sport's inclusion in the 2022 Winter Paralympics. Tony has also cycled the entire length of the Central Otago Rail Trail in New Zealand.


Tony finds delight in every living moment and shares his passion and enthusiasm with audiences. Now in constant demand as a keynote speaker to corporations and conferences, he has spoken in various countries around the world, leaving his audiences with an insight of what can be achieved with determination, belief and a burning desire to succeed and accept the challenges in life.

In his presentations, he exudes a strong presence and speaks with clarity and purpose, and eliminates redundant words. Tony starts his presentations by climbing a 1.5-metre high scaffolding, a stunning start to the roller coaster of emotions which he takes audiences through.

Tony's presentation had a great balance of humour and inspiration. Just what we needed after a long day. Shell NZ Ltd

Tony left the audience feeling stunned, spellbound and inspired. They left the conference knowing they could achieve anything.

Plastic Box

Tony's presentation was excellent, and the message was strong, humourous and entertaining. The audience's feedback was very good and they were inspired. Tony's message will help the audience overcome obstacles and put issues into perspective.

BNT (NZ) Ltd

He was very skilled at reading the audience, putting them in touch with their emotions, views and attitudes, and opening them up to the possibility of changing their perceptions. He had also absorbed the briefing notes we sent to him on the Personal Best programme and skilfully incorporated them into his presentation.

Pacific Dunlop

It was superb. You probably noticed that you could have heard a pin drop all through your presentation. No mean feat with sales people! ... The feedback I received on your talk certainly reinforced my thoughts on the impact I hoped you would make. HUGE!

Lion Breweries

Tony's presentation met our expectations in every way. Shock, awe, incredulous, rapture, motivation, self-realisation.

Greentree International Ltd

I liked that Tony called me to re-confirm the details of the event, and type of audience he was going to present to. He also took the time immediately after the event to check that his delivery was what we had hoped for. Very professional yet down to earth and friendly.


Our conference delegates were in awe of Tony and his performance at our National Conference. He certainly made you think about your own life. He was thoroughly enjoyed by all.

Resene Construction Systems

Tony was fantastic! Perfect for what we were looking for in an after dinner speaker - funny, inspirational, serious but also light hearted!

Life Education Trust Conference Dinner

Tony was very inspirational and just what our audience needed to hear!

Smith & Sons Conference

Tony Christiansen was an absolutely fantastic speaker, providing an uplifting and inspirational speech. Tony inspired everyone to review their attitudes and goals and showed us that nothing needs to stand in our way of our passions. His humour and creativity (especially with the trestles) made his speech great to listen to! I couldn't recommend him enough!

Sanitarium New Zealand
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