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The power of commitment.


Tony Mowbray is one of Australia's premier international motivational and inspirational speakers, routinely receiving standing ovations. Equally at ease delivering passionate keynote addresses, providing powerful and humourous after-dinner presentations, enhancing your team building program or guiding your event as master of ceremonies.

Previous experience

In 2000/01 the 'Power of Commitment' enabled Tony Mowbray to sail solo, non-stop and unassisted around the world, spending 181 days alone at sea. His record breaking adventure required 100% commitment, teamwork, total focus and unswerving self-belief.

In December 1998 Tony and his crew aboard his yacht, Solo Globe Challenger, participated in the ultimate team building challenge... to win was to live... to lose was to die!

In 1998 Tony and his crew competed in the Sydney to Hobart yacht race, encountering the worst race conditions in its 64 year history. Little did Tony know that he and his crew would fight a 15-hour epic battle of life and death - nature forced them to reach further within themselves than they ever had before. Solo Globe Challenger surfed down the face of a 60 foot wave upside down after a monumental knock down. In 160 km/hr cyclonic winds and killer waves tall enough to engulf a 10 storey building, Tony "could see and smell death in the water". He says "the devil took me by the hand, led me to the edge of a huge precipice and made me stand there on tippy-toes for 15 hours - he then allowed me to step back from the edge but tragically 6 men died". Against the odds, Tony survived, however his dream of sailing around the world was in tatters. His boat all but destroyed, he was physically spent, mentally near broken and severely traumatised.

Now you have to ask yourself: "What makes a man want to sail around the world after coming so close to losing it all? His boat, his mates,.his life?" The answer? 'The Power of Commitment'.

Just one year and 10 months later Tony had rebuilt his boat, re-ignited his spirit and set off on an epic non-stop journey around the world, along the way crystallising in his mind many of the corporate and personal parallels that he so passionately weaves into his down to earth, easy to understand and 'relate-to' presentations.

In December 2001, just eight months after finishing the solo world trip in front of 30,000 people, Tony and the same team from the '98 race quietly crossed the finish line of the 2001 Sydney to Hobart, finishing off what they started in 1998. Job done!

In 2003 Tony mounted his first Antarctic expedition, taking four non-sailors to the windiest place on earth at sea level: The Home of the Blizzard! They learnt the importance of responsibility within a team, to be prepared for anything, to manage the small challenges within the big challenge and that with 100% commitment ordinary people can achieve extraordinary things! They returned with their lives changed forever.

For Tony it continues to be a work in progress. When not on the conference stage he takes everyday people from all backgrounds on the trip of a life time, sailing his aptly named yacht Commitment, to Antarctica, legendary Cape Horn and the wilds of Tierra del Fuego.

Tony Mowbray speaks with absolute authority about the 'Power of Commitment'. His inspiring story offers all who hear it a recipe for success in today's tough business climate. Tony's honest and fresh style of presentation exudes passion. He constantly draws upon his experiences sharing the lessons learnt with each audience in a highly customised fashion. He is focused on giving the audience genuine 'take home value'.

Some key elements of a typical presentation include: short, medium and long term goals (flexibility is a key), problem solving techniques, the link between positive attitude and reward (negativity is easy), how 100% commitment from the audience will encourage those around them to do amazing things to help them achieve their goals. It's the 100 percenters who make a real difference in their lives and the lives of those around them.

Tony has produced two documentaries of his adventures, has an extensive business background having held senior sales management positions in finance, insurance and real estate and for 10 years was the Managing Director of 3 communications companies. He has raised over $250,000 for charity, competed in marathons and triathlons and is a fiercely proud Australian whose approach is passionate refreshing and truly enlightening.

A lot of people are still in awe of your speech yesterday. Unfortunately it takes a lot to get my attention but you did. Amazing, powerful stuff. Carbrokers

To say I enjoyed your presentation is an understatement. Your words truly spoke to me and the passion you showed for your children mirrors my own.


It's not often you get to listen to someone who has such a clear message to deliver with such authenticity, raw passion and clarity. Thanks.

Business Coaching Centre

People said that you were the highlight of the two days! I couldn't fault you Tony. I thought you were brilliant, and I have to say that Jordan and Holly are very lucky to have a Dad like you.

ActionCoach Business Coaching

I have been involved in many corporate events and have heard many different motivational speakers. I was truly moved by Tony's presentation and the genuine, heartfelt way he put forth his story. I also enjoyed hanging with him after the event: he is a man's man!

Digital Console Rental USA

I have heard many guest speakers... he is by far the best I have ever heard.

GE Commercial

His talk was one of the best hours of my life.

Pfizer Pharmaceuticals

Tony, I have met people from all over the world, I have heard motivational speakers that command fees in the hundreds of thousands of dollars, but I have never been as moved, motivated and inspired by anyone like you. To have the opportunity to spend time speaking with you outside the presentations was something I will never forget. The pictures you shared, the obvious passion that inspires you, your friendliness are all rare things in this world. Thank you for spending time with us and thank you for inspiring me to be better.

Hewlett Packard USA

Future generations will look at him as a benchmark for challenge.

AMP New Zealand

Tony is a distinctively powerful man. It is rare that such strength can be drawn from the words of one individual.

Avenue Capital Management

I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. I will remember you until I draw my last breath.

Barfoot & Thompson

Tony was able to cut through all the 'ice breaking' which normally occurs at the start of any national conference, and after his presentation our whole team were engaged, unified, and talking and listening straight from their hearts. This was something we hadn't anticipated when we engaged Tony, and the value that that added to the short time we had to spend together as an organisation allowed us to come together and achieve some fantastic outcomes.

M&T Resources

To me, yours is not just a story of courage in the face of adversity, it is more a story about a victory for passion and desire, in an ongoing battle against fear and uncertainty. It is said that fear and desire are the two great motivators... well it's clear to me where you draw your motivation! Your story certainly struck a chord for me personally, as I know it did for everyone else who was present. Congratulations on your marvelous achievements, of which I have absolutely no doubt there will be many more, and if I knew the first thing about sailing I'd be lining up in the hope of getting on board your next adventure to the Antarctic! Rest assured, never again will I fail to 'look it in the eye'.

Macquarie Bank Limited

Thank you so much for a fabulous presentation. You touched the hearts of everyone in the room and everyone walked away with a different outlook on life and what life is worth. Not to mention a lot of tears of sadness and joy. It was an emotional roller coaster for a number of people. I have had all 250 come up to me at some point since your presentation and say that not only were you the best speaker Macquarie Securitisation has ever had at a conference, but that you were the most inspiring person that they had ever heard speak. Your life experiences and adventures are ones of which you should be proud. Your love for life and your family are one of a kind. Sailing is only a small part of what makes you you.

Macquarie Securitisation
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