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10 Experts on the Business of Trust

Sophie Preston
19 Jun 2019

In the world of business today, trust is one of the most important commodities we have. Whether we are talking about relationships with clients, employees or stakeholders, trust is a currency that holds immense power and influence.

Trust is highly complex, it cannot be bought or sold, it must be earnt and kept. Trust can be tested and once lost it can be one of the hardest things to get back.
Research strongly links the component of trust to the outcomes of sales, profits and turnover and as a result, companies are seeing the value of talking about trust and bringing its importance to the forefront of business learnings.
With such a critical and complex issue, the topic of trust needs to be in the hands of…well a 'trusted professional.'

Holly Ransom
Holly unpacks the ‘trust landscape’ and how businesses can harness it.

Sue Lindsay
Sue talks about purpose, trust and sustainable success.

Clare Payne
Clare is one of Australasia’s leading voices on trust and ethics.

Gilbert Enoka
“My set of values is simple – my word is my honour and I seal things with a handshake.”

Stephen Scheeler
The revolution of trust, identity and privacy in a connected world.

Ian Taylor
One of New Zealand’s most renowned innovators who has built his business on his complete faith and trust in his team and their vision.

Bruce Cotterill
Career CEO who addresses trust, leadership and change.

Rachel Botsman
Global authority on a new era of trust.

Tony Laker
A down to earth story about Tony and his award-winning “little travel shop”. Tony talks about his business approach and getting back to basics - your word is your bond!

Sir Gordon Tietjens
Coming from a business and a team perspective, Sir Gordon knows how important trust is for success.

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