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Trending Topics: Mental Health & Resilience

Sophie Preston
26 Jul 2021
At Celebrity Speakers our team are on the pulse of what topics are trending, and we always have an exciting diverse range of speakers who will engage, educate, inspire, and entertain your audience. Check out one of our current trending topics below, and our top seven speaker picks to suit.

Mental Health & Resilience

In a world of uncertainty where people are unsure about their future, our Mental Health and Resilience speakers share their knowledge through their honest personal journey’s, academic research, and practical advice. Your audience will find their presentations insightful, inspiring, and helpful - always leaving your audience with hope!

  • Mental health advocate & Co-Founder Voices of Hope, Jazz Thornton’s unique experience and practical messages have gained worldwide recognition.
  • Directors of the New Zealand Institute of Wellbeing & Resilience, Dr Lucy Hone and Dr Denise Quinlan deliver powerful messages backed by academic research that will give your audience the knowledge they need to cope with uncertainty.
  • Renowned Psychologist and TV presenter, Nigel Latta, shares his expertise and always leaves your audience with take-home messages and tools that they can action straight-away with lots of humour along the way!
It’s not about battling your past but fighting for your future. Jazz Thornton
  • Award-winning Journalist, Jehan Casinader, has a hopeful and helpful story to share. He will help your audience to understand mental distress and give them the tools to reshape their own life stories.
  • Renowned Mental Health educator, Mike King, is a wellbeing speaker in huge demand – able to relate his story to any audience. He aims to reverse the population trends of depression and suicide by effecting a positive social change.
  • A dynamic, humorous, and deeply authentic speaker, Dr Paul Wood, speaks to the human experience and provides practical insights to identify and maximize potential and turn adversity to your advantage.
Just because the issues are complex doesn’t mean the solutions have to be. Nigel Latta
  • A Clinical Psychologist and sought after wellbeing thought leader, Jacqui Maguire shares authentic and relatable messages to help your audience manage their wellbeing every day.
  • Dr Tom Mulholland is on a mission to improve the wellbeing of the planet! He brings a wealth of knowledge and life experience through his work in NZ and around the world as an Emergency Medicine Hospital Doctor and Rural GP.

For more information or to have one of our mental health speakers at your next event, get in touch with our team on + 64 9 373 4177 | [email protected]

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