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Award-winning media journalist.


Dynamic and polished MC or keynote speaker, Cameron Bennett is an accomplished media journalist.

Current work

Documentary marker

Most recently his work has included producing 'Echoes of Gallipoli' - a documentary commemorating the 20th anniversary of the Anzac landing at Gallipoli 1915 for Maori Television, shot in Turkey and New Zealand. Previously he has directed, written and presented ˜A Line in the Sand' marking the 70th anniversary of the Battle of El Alamein, shooting in Egypt and NZ.

He directed and wrote two of the ground-breaking Nigel Latta documentaries in a series for TV One (2014) which dealt with gritty, social issues. His included the top-rating programmes on ˜Is Sugar the New Fat?' and ˜Education.'


He co-authored the best-selling ˜The Power of Us New Zealanders who Dare to Dream' with Sir Ray Avery - inspirational insights shared by more than 50 achieving NZers.

Cameron has been the Chief Judge for the Kiwibank New Zealander of the Year category for the past 3 years. During his tenure, the category winners have included Dame Anne Salmond, Dr Lance O'Sullivan and Sir Stephen Tindall.

Previous experience

Prior to launching a freelance career, Cameron established a career spanning more than 25 years with TVNZ. His last role there was on the Sunday current affairs show as Host and Correspondent. He is perhaps best-known for his career as a Foreign Correspondent which saw him cover conflict in the likes of Bosnia, Russia, Iraq, Afghanistan, Gaza and the West Bank, Somalia. Ivory Coast, East Timor, Burma. He co-authoried ˜Foreign Correspondents' with Liam Jeory which chronicled their experiences as London-based correspondents in the volatile 1990s.

Cameron is a keen acoustic guitarist and lap-steel guitarist and regularly plays with Auckland-based musicians. He is married and has 2 sons both now living and working in London.

He is a fresh and compelling MC and keynote speaker, perfect for your next Gala function or Conference.

Polite, funny, engaging, entertaining- excellent! Building Officials Institute of NZ
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