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2 x World Para Surfing Champion & Inspiration behind #1 box-office hit movie Penguin Bloom

We are all stronger, braver and more capable than we realise.


Sam Bloom is a 2 x World Para Surfing Champion, bestselling author, and inspiration behind the Australian box-office hit and global Netflix sensation Penguin Bloom, starring and produced by two-time Oscar nominee Naomi Watts.

In 2013, while holidaying in Thailand with her husband and three young sons, Sam unknowingly leant on a rotten balcony railing, falling through it and plunging six metres onto the concrete below. Sam's injuries were horrific. The near-fatal accident shattered her spine, ruptured her lungs and caused severe bleeding on the brain.

Not only was Sam physically broken and facing the daunting reality of never walking again, but her soul and spirit were crushed. She was not the active, adventurous mother she once was and was convinced if she could not have her old life back, her new one was not worth living.

A serendipitous encounter with a frail and injured magpie chick, her sons dubbed Penguin, was to transform her attitude, change the course of her recovery, and save her family.

Sam and Penguin's remarkable bond and extraordinary story of parallel recovery was sensitively captured through the lens by Sam's husband, acclaimed photographer Cameron Bloom. The images formed the basis for the international bestselling book Penguin Bloom, a collaboration with New York Times bestselling author Bradley Trevor Greive.

Such is the sheer beauty and power of their story that it inspired a major film of the same name, starring Naomi Watts and Andrew Lincoln. The movie, released in January 2021, became an immediate hit, claiming #1 at the Australian box office and trending on Netflix in North America and across Europe.

Sam's is a story for the times, with profound messages for us all - of the power of love and family, and of our innate ability to find determination and courage in the face of adversity.

Talking Points

Heartache and Birdsong

Sam is a refreshingly honest and deeply engaging speaker who takes us on an intimate, visual journey against the backdrop of her husband Cam's stunning still photography and video.

Sam tells of the extraordinary highs and painful lows of life before, during and after the accident that changed her life forever, leading us through the journey back from the edge of a deep depression that almost claimed her life.

Not prone to sugar-coating, she pulls no punches about the situation she finds herself in and delivers her message with clarity and purpose to remind her audience that we have to live in the present as we never know what tomorrow will bring.

Sam has a wealth of knowledge and experience to draw upon and is able to deliver poignant and tailored keynote sessions on a range of themes including resilience, goal setting, facing adversity, family, healing, mental wellness and more.

Your audience will be left deeply touched and truly empowered by Sam's story.
Sam impacted our audiences with such humour and realness that we were all moved to tears. Her storytelling brought us all to our feet for a standing ovation, and I'll forever carry her message with me. Business Chicks

Sam takes life and the challenges it has provided well and truly 'head on'. This resonates through her presentations and delivery, creating a powerful experience for her audience. If you're seeking a remarkable and inspiring personal story delivered with passion and humility, Sam is an outstanding choice.


Thank you so much for sharing your incredible story, it was truly inspirational on so many levels. I loved the passion in your partnership with Cam, it shone through the entire presentation. Amazing stuff!

Lexus Australia

Sam captivated our audience with her incredible life story, which unfolded against a stunning backdrop of Cam's photography...the Bloom story is one of hope, and love and the incredible things you can conquer when you have the right support network around you. Thank you once again Sam & Cam. Both of you are an absolute inspiration!

Macquarie Bank

It was such a pleasure to have had the opportunity to meet and listen to Sam. Life changing and something we will never forget.


I cannot thank Sam and Cameron enough for helping us create such a memorable event, they are beautiful people and this shines in everything they say and do.

Oliver's Gift

Sam's post is one of our top performers over the past 12 months, driving incredible organic reach, engagement and interaction on the outfitting. We had such positive comments from our community too. The team also found Sam brilliant to work with, down-to-earth but a total professional, we're looking forward to working together again.


Sam's story is simply amazing - it is heartbreaking and uplifting all at the same time and we cannot recommend her enough for your next event.

Gastroenterological Nurses Council of Australia

We are incredibly grateful that Sam was able to so eloquently share her story with us yesterday, you are both an inspiration, brave and amazing people! Thank you for your contribution to making our event such a success, our audience left feeling positive and enriched from the experience. You made us think, laugh , cry and really put things into perspective!

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