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Cara Gray in the much loved series STEP DAVE.


Sia Trokenheim is a New Zealand actress best known for her role as Cara Gray in the successful drama/comedy series STEP DAVE.


She started treading the boards in a community theatre in Stockholm at the age of eight. She has since pursued her dreams of acting and never looked back. She got her first professional acting job on Swedish Television playing the lead in a tele short film at the age of 17, and has since worked professionally for Stockholm Theatre Company, Swedish Television prior to arriving in New Zealand.

Born in Sweden with roots from a vibrant polish family, Sia has always been fascinated with language, travel, history and culture. Sia speaks English, Swedish, got sufficient skills in Polish and studied French and German as a child.

She arrived on her lonesome in New Zealand in 2001 to commence her Bachelor Of Performance & Screen Arts majoring In Acting, and has since had a successful career within her field.


She has worked professionally throughout the country's Theatre companies including Auckland Theatre Company (Lysitrata 2015, The Twits 2011, Cabaret 2010, Stepping Out 2010, Oliver 2009, Sweet Charity 2006) as well as playing Ulla in the NZ premiere of The Producers at the Court Theatre among numerous performances at The Fortune Theatre in Dunedin.

Awards: She was awarded Best Leading Actress Rialto NZ Film Award in 2014, for her performance as Angela in Everything We Loved which was an international film festival darling. The following year she appeared in The Dark Horse and her most recent role is in Beyond The Known World, a co-production shot in India.

She has a close personal link to the condition Cystic Fibrosis and spends a lot of time at Starship Hospital which has made it her calling to do what she can to help and promote awareness to people's, in particular children's, wellbeing. She is currently getting involved with mental health organizations to help spread awareness and help people in need.

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